// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: === Customization _after_ the images have been created While post-build scripts (xref:rootfs-custom[]) are run _before_ building the filesystem image, kernel and bootloader, *post-image scripts* can be used to perform some specific actions _after_ all images have been created. Post-image scripts can for example be used to automatically extract your root filesystem tarball in a location exported by your NFS server, or to create a special firmware image that bundles your root filesystem and kernel image, or any other custom action required for your project. To enable this feature, specify a space-separated list of post-image scripts in config option +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT+ (in the +System configuration+ menu). If you specify a relative path, it will be relative to the root of the Buildroot tree. Just like post-build scripts, post-image scripts are run with the main Buildroot tree as current working directory. The path to the +images+ output directory is passed as the first argument to each script. If the config option +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT_ARGS+ is not empty, these arguments will be passed to the script too. All the scripts will be passed the exact same set of arguments, it is not possible to pass different sets of arguments to each script. Note that the arguments from +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT_ARGS+ will also be passed to post-build and post-fakeroot scripts. If you want to use arguments that are only used for the post-image scripts you can use +BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT_ARGS+. Again just like for the post-build scripts, the scripts have access to the environment variables +BR2_CONFIG+, +HOST_DIR+, +STAGING_DIR+, +TARGET_DIR+, +BUILD_DIR+, +BINARIES_DIR+, +CONFIG_DIR+ and +BASE_DIR+. The post-image scripts will be executed as the user that executes Buildroot, which should normally _not_ be the root user. Therefore, any action requiring root permissions in one of these scripts will require special handling (usage of fakeroot or sudo), which is left to the script developer.